Essence St.Valentine`s Collection, Catrice Discounts|Kolekcija, nuolaidosLT. Essence jau pristatė savo naują Valentinui skirtą kolekciją, keliančią didelį susidomėjimą. Nauja kolekcija vadinasi “Kaip...
Švelnus makiažas|Romantic Make-upEN. On our romantic days with my husband we have a long walk across the beautiful Klaipėda streets having a chat about our future plans,...
Patarimai romantiškam makiažui ir plaukams|Tips for Romantic Make-up and HairI`m one of those who thinks that you create the St. Valentine`s mood any day you want. It doesn`t necessarily have to be on the 14th,...
Sausio mėstamiausi|January FavoritesWhen your watch gets out of order you have the two choices of two things to do: throw it in the fire or take it to the watch-tinker. The...
Greitas dieninis makiažas|Quick Day Make-upEyes For your day makeup, keep your look as much natural as you like. Yes, it`s a matter of taste, but less is always more. I love...
Pigi kosmetika|Super Affordable Make-up ProductsPigi kosmetika LT. Keliamės ir spindim! Tam, kad suspindėtum, nebūtinai turi, nebūtinai turi būti "apiplėšta" kosmetikos parduotuvėje....
Essence XXXXL Longlasting LipglossReady for a long talk? Prepare a cup of white tea (tea+milk) and sit down for a while. I`ve got so much to tell you! Time for new love...
Essence Lash Princess Volume MascaraColor: black Price: 3,79 EU Buy: Eurokos and Essence Design Essence Lash Princess Volume Mascara from fall/winter collection and, in...
Essence Hello Autumn Multi Colour Powder Review/apžvalgaMan laaabai patinka, labai labai labai. Buvau nusprndusi nenaudoti Essence makiažo produktų, nes žinau, kas slepiasi už pigių produktų -...