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All About ANNY
FIVE FACTS ABOUT ANNY YOU DID'T KNOW 1. Since the introduction of ANNY in the spring of 2011 , a total of 3.3 million bottles have been...
Essence Secret Party
#SECRET PARTY COLLECTION OVERVIEW This new brand collection is present at the moment in my country. It's is a pitty, that we do not have...
Best Purchase Of The Year
REAL TECHNIQUES STIPPLING BRUSH IS JUST PERFECT Today I have decided to speak about this make-up brush, which I have considered to be the...
ANNY For Wedding
ANNY Calcium Nail Attack and Big Apple played a perfect duo for our friends' wedding. Since my nails have appeared to be in a terrible...
Summer Make-Up
SUMMER JAZZ The first month of the summer has almost passed, so I would like to introduce my favorite make-up I wore in the beginning of...
Bellissima Antibacterial Socks
MY ENGLISH POSTS ARE COMING BACK! Thirst of all, I would like to say sorry that I was lately posting only Lithuanian reviews and my life...
Visit Vienkiemis in Lithuania
As I remember my earlier life in the capital, I understand how limited I was. My life was limited. I thought that Vilnius is the best...
Mummy Outfit
TRYING TO MAKE SHORT DRESS WORK Today I have decided to show you one of my mummy outfits, which I actually quite do not like. The reason...
Klaipėda Old Castle Harbour
From time to time I show you the best Klaipėda places, which are really worth to visit. The only reason for this is that I am totally in...
Fresh Spring Outfit
Today I have decide to show you one of my last favorite outfits for active leisure time. I know how you got bored by these blue ripped...
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