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Ziaja Reminded Me La Spezia



I strongly believe Ziaja could not do better. Ziaja energising orange butter line has become my favorite line from this Polish company, well known for providing good price body care products and good price at the same time. Ziaja oranges... It happens often that something goes straight to the top, but if we speak about body care, it happens only a few times a year.

Actually, I am a bit angry with Ziaja - they reminded me of Italy. My heart is crying. I miss this dolce country so much. I lived there, worked there, had friends, ate pasta all the days, became very fat. Ech.... Especially I miss La Spezia in Liguaria region, where my husband proposed me. So first, please read about the line products, then look at the photos of La Spezia. Or vice versa.


Ziaja Orange Butter energising body scrub

How can a body scrub energize me? Easy. Citrus essential oils or citrus scented products could be the bes energizing shower bomb. Water and citrus smell are the best duo. The scrub consists of micro particles, which are not going to scratch your body. The texture is thick. The color is of riped freshly picked oranges which still have the leaves. The scrubs looks so yummy to the tummy that I want to take it off with big spoons. That is the reason why the scrub is going to finish off very quickly. The more you use it, the more you want to go on. Perfect in combnation with the other products from the tasty line.


Ziaja Orange Butter Creamy Shower Soap

One more line product which you will quickly go through. The same light orange color, creamy milk dessert consistency, Ziaja soap is well known for. This soap became my favorite soap a lot of ago: only because of thicknesss and foaming. I hope nobody will be offended if I tell you that I even spil a drop in the water prepared for floor cleaning.


Ziaja Orange Butter energizing body butter

It is very important to mention that it is the body butter has the softest orange smell. It logical: we wash off body scrub or soap, and the butter stays on our body all day long. A very intensive smell might bother me. The butter is quick to sink into the skin (I apply body care products only on wet body), has got quite light formula as for a body butter, so it is easy to spread all over my body. Light orange color.

All in all, this line can be purchased not only for their beautiful packaging. I strongly recommend this line which goes step by step together with my favorite Muilo namai soap bars).

And now La spezia. Any photos could reveal the real beauty of La Spezia.


La Spezia
La Spezia
La Spezia
La Spezia
La Spezia
La Spezia
La Spezia

Have you been to Italy? Have you tried this orange line?

Price: 5. 21 EU, 3,13 Eu and 5,21 EU

Capacity: 200 ml, 500 ml and 200 ml

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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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