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GOSH Dry Shampoo


Today I thought it is time to speak about GOSH professional dry shampoo FRESH UP! Suitable for all hair types, but exceptionally for brunettes, this shampoo will leave you very happy with your view in the mirror.


It does exactly what it promises: freshen up my hair and add a bit of volume for a half of a day or even the whole day. The volume is incredibly nice at the very beginning when my hair has just been sprayed from the bottom to the top (this effects lasts up to 2 hours). The roots look so different than previously: no oil excess (all day long), it seem that you have just washed and styled your hair.


The fact that this dry shampoo has got brown color and I do not have to worry about becoming bold is very pleasant. No more usual dry shampoos which have white color. No more quick washing of my head when I have to run through the door. Although I have used a famous Batiste dry shampoo some time ago, I did not become hooked by it.

gosh dry shampoo effect
beauty blogger


I have been hooked this time, mainly because of the brown color, scentless formula, volume boosting and fresh hair effect. I think I do not need to explain that dry shampoo will never replace usual shampoos. I do not need to say that it is not for every day usage. It is for those emergency cases, which are happening in my life quite often now. After work I have got some many things to do I barely cope. All in all, well done GOSH. Congratulations.

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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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