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The Bigger The Better


Big Cleanic cotton pads

You might think why the hell you should spend your precious time for reading about cotton pads. They are not so immportant to be worth to speak. Wait a minute. I thought the same several months ago. I used to grab the pack of those cotton pads who were the cheapest one or had a good sicount. BUT. Althougth it's just a detail, our life consists of details.

We don't speak today about a specific brand today (although you see the cotton pads from Cleanic, they play just the role of an example for you). Let's better speak about the size today. I speak about the size of cotton pads, of course. The cotton pads which are twice bigger than usual ones is the comfort at the highest level, the same as the bigger hair brush or a toothbrush with a little head. It's simply more comfortable.

To forestall the events, I want to swear the loyalty to bigger cotton pads. No matter how ridiculously it might sound. They are usually intended for babies, but anybody can use them, right? Since I usually clean my face with coconut or some other oil, I dip such a cotton pad into hot water, put it into oil, and clean the half of my face at once. If anybody had told me earlier how quick and comfortable it would be...

Buy: most of shops, but still quite difficult to find

Price: ~2 EU

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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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