Baby, Simple Diet Plan and Quick Weight Loss

We all know that quick weight loss doesn't work for our health benefit, but one year ago I created my own plan for weight loss. The end of the third term of pregnancy was difficult both physically and psychologically with 15 kg of overweight. I came back home from the hospital with 10 kg overweight, after a few days 7 were left, and finally I had to work with only 5 kg which I lost in one month. I knew I would want to lose weight straight after Sofija's delivery. I wanted it so much that there were any chances to not succeed. Feeling down was the most important motive to drive me. I have never been slim, but I used to like my body before pregnancy. If you feel that it's time to lose 1-5 kg but don`t want to go hungry, maybe these simple rules from my diet plan I wrote once for myself will help you to achieve your desired result.

5 rules I followed
1. Eat breakfast as a queen, lunch like a princess and diner like pauper.
It the oldest rule I can remember about weight managing. Breakfast is the time when your body burns calories at the highest speed, so take the advantage of it. I love breakfast time and most of the cases I choose oats (oatmeal) with honey boiled in milk or water (for a stricter diet). That`s how I feel full until the lunch time and don`t crave for snacks. I would also like to mention that oatmeal is the least allergic meal which you can take. So feel as a queen during breakfast and you succeed 100%. I ate then and now full grain cereals for breakfast, meat with vegetables for lunch and salad or buckwheat for dinner.

2. Eat healthy food rich in good fat.
Poached salmon with lemon and a bit of salt, avocados, boiled eggs and lean meat formed the main part of my diet. Wild or brown rice and vegetables was my garnish. Did you know that salmon and avocados contain good fats necessary for the development of your child`s brains. They are top food for anybody. Greek yogurt, organic milk, lean beef, beans, nuts, tofu, oatmeal, flaxseed, olive oil, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, garlic, red peppers, figs, blueberries, apples, etc. belong to this category as well. They should be included into the diet of every busy young woman.

3. Use raw honey instead of sugar.
It's more expensive but the benefit to your health is undeniable. it boosts your immune system. Sugar is not really needed for our body, because get so much of it without even knowing it, e.g. with yogurt, lemonade (which I do not suggest drinking at all), etc. At least you can try to reduce the amount of sugar. It`s just the matter of habit, and to learn a new habit we need a month.
4. Drink a lot of water.
For me, 8 glasses is enough throughout the day since I drink a lot of tea. Try to overreach yourself by keeping a full jug of water on your work desk or kitchen table. Don`t forget to add lemon, strawberries or other fruit.
5. Walk till you drop!
I had to be with Sofija all days round with no help from outside, so going to the gym was the mission impossible. I found out that speed walking with a pram ( at least for 2-3 hours) was very effective in reducing my overweight. Replace your car with a bicycle, or jump out of the trolleybus in the middle of the route and walk. No excuses.
These were the basic rules of my diet plan that burnt last 5 kg in one month. Basically, breastfeeding was the easiest calorie burner in my case. It is vital for a baby and so helpful for your body! Do you know that during the day your child consumes about 500 of your calories? Isn`t it great? Did you also know that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer? Anyway, if you need my advice you are always welcome to contact me. I hope you found this blog post helpful.
What was your diet plan that worked for you?