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15 Tips From a Stylist Agnė Gilytė


personal style

I spent my last Friday night at Herkus Mantas gallery where among a crowd of pinup women I had a chance to listen to the precious tips from personal stylist Agnė Gilytė. Today I share with you 15 style tips for every woman, but you have to be active yourselves. For your homework, I set to go through the content of your wardrobe according to the provided tips. Let`s start our lesson.

15 tips from a personal stylist Agnė Gilytė

1. Match new fashion tendencies to your unique style, not vice versa.

2. A good coat, a black dress, tricot T-shirts and a sweater of a universal color (except black) should be present in every woman`s wardrobe.

3. The accessories such as shoes, bags, scarfs, hand watches and other similar accessories are the kings of our wardrobe. A good accessory can take our outfit into a higher level.

4. We mainly choose the black color because we want to hide ourselves, but it emphasizes our imperfections such as inappropriate make-up, pale and tired complexion, cracked nail polish or dirty hair. It`s always better to choose other dark colors.

5. Choose a skirt which is of below or upper your knee length because these are the thinnest parts of our legs.

6. It`s not worth investing in such clothes which are easily worn out or wash out, e.g. white shirts, jeans and underwear shirts.

7. It`s worth investing into a good quality coat, underwear, and accessories.

8. The most important criterion for choosing a pair of jeans is how good your back looks in it.

9. A white shirt always refreshes out outfit. White has its own shades so just choose the right.

10. We should keep the clothes for the current season and to straw hats and wool sweaters together.

11. Our clothes should meet out size and suit the type of our individual figure. A smaller won`t make you look visually slimmer.

12. If we buy new clothes and accessories while matching them to the one we already have, we will always have what to wear.

13. Mollycoddle yourself with lifestyle clothes because we have so little spare time.

14. Too little and big, supposed to be worn at home, countryside, forest or class meeting clothes - we actually almost never wear them, so what`s the reason for keeping them in our wardrobe? Our grandmother`s home is already overcrowded with this type of clothes.

15. We can wear the same clothes in different combinations all week round.

Opinion: the event hosted a lot of (100 - 200) women, and I`m glad I was a part of it. During the meeting, I learned some new things and then I came back home I threw the half part of my bras and a few husband`s sweaters. He was shocked. The reason why I love this kind of events is that usually we don`t have time to think about such things, so such events encourage us to think and take action because we have previously lacked willingness or determination.

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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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