TOP 12 Biotin Benefits

A lot of my girl friends constantly face such problems as hair loss and brittle nails, so if these are also your cases, you should think about incorporating biotin, known also as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, into your life: diet and beauty products. My friend has been taking biotin and is very satisfied with the results (hair groth and nail strength). This is the reason I decided to talk about biotin to you. I have found some worth mentioning facts considering the benefits of this food supplement and I want to share with them with you this snowy spring Sunday.
TOP 12 biotin benefits
Internal usage
1. It strengthens your cuticles.
2. It prevents nails from breakage.
3. It prevents your hair loss.
4. It affects your hormone system.
5. It helps for your body to process energy.
6. It helps to carry carbon dioxide through your body.
7. It`s important for your sweat glands, nerve tissue and bone marrow.
8. It`s responsible for keeping healthy sugar levels.
9. It helps to avoid acne breakout, rashes, psoriasis, dermatitis and itchiness.
10. It speeds up your weight loss because it has an effect on your metabolism levels.
11. It lowers cholesterol.
12. It prevent you from depression.
Where biotin is present in food?
Whole grains, beans, soy, leafy greens, dairy products, meat and vegetables.
How much is the daily supplement intake?
Consult your doctor but usually it`s 30 mcg a day.
External usage
Trustable resources declare the obvious benefits of the internal usage of biotin. However, the external usage of it (hair and nail care products) raise various discussions. A bunch of resources claim that its external usage doesn`t have any effect on our skin or nails because its molecules are not able to penetrate into the skin. Many people may still benefit from using hair and nail care products with biotin because it could improve the appearance of existing hair and nail. Well, in my personal opinion, it`s better to try both ways of biotin intake.
My opinion: it`s always better to balance your diet in order not to have vitamins and microelements deficency, but if you think you need biotin supplements, it`s always better to consult your family doctor or to have some medical tests.
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