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10 būdų, kurie man padeda įveikti liūdesį ir depresiją|10 Ways How I Overcome Sadness and Depression


How to overcome sadness and depression

Today I have decided to speak about the sad periods of our lives when it seems that you don`t want to do anything except lie in your bed and forget everything. Sometimes it can last a week or a few, a month or much more. It doesn`t matter. Sometimes there can be some serious reasons for your sadness or you might hardly think of them because you have got everything you need...but you are sad. For me it happens every winter, actually, in the end, just before the first spring days. It has just happened to me once again. Total apathy to everything I did. That`s why I stopped beauty blogging for a few days and so intensively. I`m back now with my fresh head and energy, I`m willing to share with you what helps me to quickly overcome sadness and depression, it doesn`t matter how you call it.

1. Taking care of others. Only a person who feels that is necessary for somebody can have a love of life. If you look around, there are so many people who need our help. It doesn`t necessarily have to be the financial help. I`m taking care of my dog Fuksas, my one year old Sofia, and my husband. That`s not enough. I always ask my friends how they are, and try to support and inspire them. I never forget to call them. I took care after my father after his meniscus operation. I try to take care after my grandmother who is always sick, but she lives far away from me. I can continue and continue. Every act helps first us, then other to feel happy.

2. Meeting with friends who inspire you. We all have got a lot of friends, but some of them are tend to inspire us to improve, swing, laugh, risk, enjoy, study, dream, and, in general, go ahead, and some of them are critical of every change of their and our life, see only negative things and details, stick to their routine and make us feel bad after a meet up. Surround yourself with positive people and you will never have to worry about things.

3. Meeting with your parents, grandparents, and other relatives who want you the best. When you meet a person, you can feel straight away (at least me) if he or she wish us all the best or silently expects us to stumble. Well, it almost never happens with our parents and grandparents, because they are people who love us unconditionally. Their support is the most driving energy in our lives. I have even decided to take my Master`s degree studies because I knew that my parents and grandparents had expected that from me, even I had a doubt that I needed it for my future career or then job. In general, family provides our days with happiness and security (sociologists claim that married people are happier than single ones).

4. Being physically active. I`m not speaking about long hours of sweating in the gym because I myself find difficult to go there (mainly because I`m saving money). I love trotting with a pram for a few hours, and it improves my state of mind ten times more than usual. Earlier I used to go jogging with my friends by the river. I would give a lot of for that moments to come back.

5. Being socially active. In winter I always become less socially active than usual but I have noticed that my friends, too. Communication is the key to happiness, unless you are a pure introvert. Being interested in others is the first step to a successful communication. We are all people, we love attention and when somebody is truly listening to us, not just pretends. What are the common things among you and the person you are speaking. Find out, and you will find easy to start every talk. Chatting with others is also mood improving.

6. Changing your routine. Routine is the imagination killer. Routine is our happiness killer. Change the route to your work, and you will arrive in a better temper. Don`t go on holiday to the same destination. Try to change your routine in every sphere of your life and you will see how your brains will start working at the same time making you more curious every day. Curiosity is another key to good mood.

7. Realizing your dreams and ideas. There isn`t a better feeling than planning your success. It`s the most tasty part of our dream realization. It doesn`t feel so good when you finally achieve your goal. The process is the matter. Enjoy it and never forget to think of a new dream when one is realized. That`s how my life functions as well.

8. Having a break. When I`m into something, I lose my head in it. I work, work, work until I am fed up with it. It has happened the same with beauty blogging and I have to stop myself for a while. It`s always good to stop if you feel that you have reached your limits. Stop, take a fresh breath and go ahead.

9. Spending time outdoors. Being indoors will never give us such a feeling of easiness and relax as being outdoors. That`s the reason I`m a real hater of winter. When spring comes, you will never force me to spend the whole day inside. Nature is an endless source of happiness and one of the best good mood pills to swallow in order to get some inner vivacity.

10. Improving your diet and using essential oils. Meat is very difficult to digest, so try to eat it no more than 3 times a week unless you want to feel loaded and waste your precious energy. Fruit, vegetable and cereals are the bomb of energy. Without energy nobody can feel good. Since my mother-in-law gave me a bottle of natural buckthorn juice, I drink it every day and I have already see a difference in the way I feel in the morning. I have also reduced the amount of coffee. My mother-in-law has also advised me to start drinking Spirulina. I will try it for sure. What is more, try to incorporate some mood lifting essential oils into your life, for example, lemon, lavender, jasmine, cinnamon, rosemary, peppermint, etc. At the moment I use Naujoji Barmunė Citrus Sinensis peel oil and Cymbopogon Martini herb oil mix to lift my mood. It really works!

These are all my ways how I overcome my sadness and depression. I hope you are all ok and don`t need them. However, life is ups and downs, so it`s better to always be prepared for the moments when we want nothing else than to hide our head in the sand as an ostrich.

What are your ways of overcoming sadness?


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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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