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Grožis, blogas, šeima ir gyvenimas|Beauty, Blog, Family and Life

lbeauty blogger Karolina

I usually write you my reviews or other beauty pieces, but today I thought why not to sharing with you my life and emotions, and what I`m living now. Obviously, it`s not only the beauty blog in my life, and I`m not only sitting in front of my vanity mirror and putting a red lipstick on. My life is full of so many things going on that sometimes it`s difficult to understand what`s happening and where we are going. I`m going to discuss my different life spheres now.

Beauty blogging. Being sincere for my reader, you, is my blogging priority. My blog is getting more and more readers, thank you. I have also started collaborating with a lot of beauty brands, and it`s a sign for me, that I`m going to the right direction. More collaboration relationships to me means a greater variaty of posts and reviews for you, and that my beauty blog is well accepted as a professional beauty blog, which puts on me more responsibility, and requires more work hours, numerious reviews, quality vs. quantity content, less of unnecessary talk. I have been reading a lot of blogging tips, and I undersood how many mistakes I have made so far, which makes me now correct my blog content, design, etc. I have started using Google+, have also joined some beauty bloggers` communities, which I had never realized being so big and welcoming. It`s great how much support, inspiration and advice you can get there, and I always intended being an international blogger, more than only a Lithuanian one. It just seems to be having no borders, and I hate borders. I`m working hard on my beauty blog every day, and there are still many things to do, and ideas to realize, so all your comments and pieces of advice are welcome. I have learnt to deal with criticism without feeling personally offended, and it`s the best personal depelopment achievement for me so far.

beauty blogging

Personal life. My personal life has never been something apart from all the other life spheres. My daughter turned out 1 today and I had to work at night to have what I have now. She has always been in the first place, and will always be, because she is the most meaningful life achievement and joy for me. It`s a pity, but intense life and being mother had impact on my relationship with Mantas, and, perfectly knowing this, we promised ourselves to have more time only for us two in the near future. We love each other, but it`s so difficult to deal with the rest.


*Here I`m four months pregnant.

Work. Thirdly, I`m coming back to work in April, and it`s scaring and exciting at the same time. I have been waiting for this, because I`m not a home creature. Going out to people and doing something meaningful outside the blog and home seems like air to me. My job is far away from beauty.

real techniques

What is more, I`m not going to stop beauty blogging, because I have found myself a passionate writer, who would love some more peace and calm sometimes (be good, dear Sofija), but still loves blogging, even in the most noisy conditions ever. It`s my lifestyle now, my hobby, which I had never had before. Self-realization means a lot to me.

Family life and home. I would also like to open to you, and express my joy of finally buying our first home. Our family is going to buy a house on the river bank if everything goes smoothly. When we came in that house I`m speaking about, Mantas and I instantly understood that we want to live at least the half of our life there. The river view is amazing, and there is the peace and calm I always searching for, and the sea not so far. I believe we would have a very beautiful life there. Only God knows how it will be in reality.


Thank you for reading and being with me.

Have a beautiful spring.



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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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