SPA manikiūras namuose|Home Nail SPA

Nail SPA at home is something what doesn`t cost a lot, but could provide you with a total relaxation and rest. Arranging your feet and hand nails spa would be even more pleasant and relaxing, but this time I`m going to show you how I do my hand SPA at home. At least once a month. It doesn`t take a lot of time and doesn`t require to invest in any beauty equipment. I love simple and affordable things, but still try to get the most luxury of my SPA.

First, what you need to do, is to prepare a bowl of warm water, put a spoon of sea salt with some oil and put some flower blossoms. I`ve used tulips this time. They refresh my eyes and embalm a very pleasant smell, mmm... I put all the necessary manicure tools near you. What I need is a good file, a cuticle remover and a wooden stick from Sincero. I also prepare in advance a nail separator, and, of course, all the oils, nail elixirs, strengtheners, base and top coats and the most beautiful nail polish that I have. Then I sit down in a comfortable place with a candle. I love candles with three knots, because they look very luxurious. I never forget to put on some good music which makes me relax. A towel is also a handy thing to have.

I sit down, put my hands in a bowl and wait for a minute, then separate the cuticles from my nails with a wooden stick, cut them with a cuticle remover and tile. Short nails is the season`s top. Then polish the surface with a gentle side of the tile, nails will get a healthy look. I put some nail elixir. I love my ANNY Ginseng Nail Elixir 973. I massage it into my nails and wait for a minute to do its job. Then I apply a strengthening top coat. My nails are in extremely bad condition now, so at the moment I`m using ANNY Calcium Nail Attack 943. It dries very quickly. Then I apply my spring top color ANNY Dancing in the Rain 386 (two layers) and straight away apply ANNY Quick Dry 940. I hate waiting for hours for nail care products to dry, that`s why I choose the luxurious ANNY nail products which I`m sure will save my time. They all dry very quickly. The last step is to apply a hand cream. To finish up my luxurious nail SPA ritual I apply ANNY Green Tea Millionaire`s Beauty Butter which has got a very refreshing spring smell.

This is how my home nail SPA looks like. Do you arrange yourself some similar nail SPA`s?