Apsipirkau|My New In

Finally it`s Monday. Yes, you have read correctly. I`m happy to come back on the blogging track because it`s my passion, my hobby, my work and match all, and get what? Difficult to say yet, maybe you will tell me? You have probably noticed the lack of my beauty reviews and other raps, and it`s because I`m the most disorganized person among my acquaintances (but do I know them well?). I can`t prepare any pre-scheduled beauty posts because I find it`s against my nature. I hate it, sorry.
I had some very important guests (could there be more important ones than my hubby`s parents?) for a few days, and now, thank you, my baby Sofija, that you have fallen asleep, I`m joining the community of beauty blogging and beauty blogs reading. I have started with Viviana, continued with Lilly, and then I have noticed in Feelunique newsletter, that the vbogger Fleur de Force has launced her book. Then Tanya, now Fleur, and it`s amazing how vbloggers and bloggers rock the world at the moment. I`m so proud of them, since I`m still a complete novice. Hey, I also don`t step in one place, and today I`m going to show you what my recent purchases and presents were, in order you would be able to presume which products I`m going to review in the near future.
I`m sitting now with my full head of thoughts not knowing where to start, and I didn`t manage to take photos of all the beauty bits, but you know, I`m thinking today how lucky I am, having this great possibility talk to you, to test so many great beauty products which I would probably never be able to test if not beauty blogging. I love it.