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Very Inspiring Blogger Award

blogger award

I was nominated by Sparkleandshampagne (thank you, beauty) for The Very Inspiring Beauty award, and what a strange little thing-I didn`t know that. I was browsing some beauty blog here and there and found the nomination. How cool, isn`t it?

Rules: 1. Thank the person who nominated you and add their link to your blog 2. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do. 3. State 7 things about yourself. 4. Nominate 5 other bloggers. 5. Contact your nominees and provide a link to your post.

7 random things about me

1. My beauty blog was started on 20th August 2014, but before I was writing a blog about my experience as a mother. It was a complete fail because I didn`t find any inspiration to write about mummy things:)

2. My husband and I are together for almost 8 years and I am only 27 now. The day when I got married was the day when I felt the most beautiful and happy in my whole life.

3. The day when my daughter Sofija was born was the most difficult day in my life. My two friends gave births to their daughters recently and they found that experience easy. Does this mean that I am not created for birth giving?:)

4. I become workaholic when I love what I do. I am coming back to my main job in March. Very scaring and exciting at the same time.

5. I hate Instagram but love Youtube Chanelette from Klaipėda being my favorite all time Youtuber.

6. The part of the day when I am the most active is late evening. When I start cleaning all my flat rooms.

7. I have downloaded 7 books from Audible and managed to listen to only 2 of them.

My nominees

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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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