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Pilingas|Get Out of the Old or Exfoliation

why to exfoliate beauty blog saflora

face exfoliation scrub body scrub beauty blog

A couple of years ago, I`m not lying you, I did know nothing about exfoliating and it`s benefits. It took me a while I got the beauty basics, mainly from the Internet. Exfoliation has got some crucial benefits, connected with ageing, desired result of the beauty products work, glow skin, etc. I have consulted some specialists and have understood, that one a week is enough to exfoliate (combination skin). You can exfoliate more if you have oily skin. So why do we need it?

Reasons to get out of the old

No more

1. No more flakes. My face skin starts to flake the day the heating is on and since I am living where winter takes the biggest part of the year, flaking is one of my biggest problems. Any more. I do not only exfoliate my face skin to prevent it, but also hydrate it with a natural cream. My skin never gets flaky with this face care routine.

2. No more spots. I don`t work physically hard, but still my hands sometimes have yellow spots. You should know, that all tough spots on your hands and the bottoms of your feet can be reduced, if you use a foot brush and pumice. You can also use feet and hand exfoliating creams, which I do. Sally Hansen has got a nice scrub, this makes my hands look younger and prevent big spots.

3. No more blackheads and pimples. When pores get clogged with oil and dirt (think how much dirt is outside), pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads appear on you beautiful face. This is my constant struggle. Using a face scrub with a gentle exfoliator makes such a difference! My Saflora Facial Scrub with hialuron not only narrows my pores, but also helps me prevent acne. It smooths and cleans my face giving a feeling of comfort.

Yes to

1. Yes to better working beauty products. Exfoliating the skin with a gentle (!) body or face buff removes the top dead layer of skin, which allows our beauty products to penetrate into our skin better. That means, we will have a better effect from them. For example, let`s take my body lotion. In order it would penetrate better, I use "Muilo namai" coffee soap bar. Read the review here.

2. Yes to glowing skin. Removing that dead layer of skin with gentle exfoliation once a week gets the blood flowing and helps revive that glow your skin should have. To keep it longer, don`t forget to exfoliate once a week. Is it a lot of?

What do you think about exfoliation? How often do you exfoliate your skin?

Read about how I efoliate my body here.

Read about how I exfoliate my face here.

Read about my face care routine here.


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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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