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Šešėlių spalvos, kurių neprireiks|Eyeshadow Colors You Won`t Ever Need

worst eyeshadow colors

LT. Daugelis tyrimų atskleidė, kad veidas be makiažo gali kitiems asocijuotis su Tavo neprofesionalumu. Tačiau norėčiau pastebėti, kad kartais geriau jokio makiažo, negu blogai pasirinkta spalva. Kad neatrodytum juokingai ir neprofesionaliai, kaip jau minėjau, turėtum žinoti, kurioms spalvos skirti daugiau dėmesio nei kitoms. Pastangos vertos rezultato.

EN.A lot of studies have shown, that wearing no make-up at all can look unprofessional. However, I would like to point out, that sometimes it`s better to wear no color than choose a wrong one. In order not to look ridiculious and unprofessional, as I have mentioned before, you should know what colors are worth particular attention in make-up. The effort ou make is worth the result.

worst eyeshadow colors

eyeshadow color how to choose


Go back to the 80s, if you want to wear this color and be fashionable. It draws attention to how carefully you applied your eyeshadow. What is more, it can make you look sick. Pink, as weel as red and peachy don’t look flattering on our eyes in real life.

pink eyeshadow


Plum, violet, lilac, deep eggplants and bruised shades are ok, but not the real purple. The same as pink, it draws people`s attention, and can look like a bruise if the shade is chosen mistakenly. Purple is the best for green eyes.

purple eyeshadow color beauty blog


If you`ve got green eyes, it`s a mistake to choose green eyeshadow. In general, it`s better not to choose the eyeshadow color which is your eyes color. Green is ok as an accent, goes perfectly with brown shades, but if you blend it incorectly, can become muddy.

green eyeshadow color worst eyeshadow colors ever


First, icy-blue shadow appears ghostly on wrekled skin.

Second, if you`ve got blue eyes, wearing blue on your eyes can make you look dull. Choose something from the opposite colors, let`s say orange or brown and you will look amazing.

You may be asking, does baby blue eyeshadow suit any eye colour? The answer is no. Blue eye shadow looks the best with brown eyes.

blue eyeshadow how to wear


Yellow doesn`t go on fair eyes, because you can look ill. Yellow color is ok as an accent, but not as the base. You can use it on the round part of your eyelid, or the outer edges of your eye, also under your socket. Make it delicious only in tiny parts of your lid.

yellow eyeshadow how to wear beauty blog

Warm to cool

A person with warm undertones wearing cool colors can look artificial. A person with cool undertones wearing warm colors can look ill.


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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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