Mėtiniai žiemos makarūnai|Mint Winter Macaroons
LT. Po ilgos pertraukos (kelios dienos nieko nerašant atrodo tikrai ilgokai) grįžau namo iš ligoninės vienai nakčiai, ir skubu dalintis su Tavim savo nuomone apie kai kuriuos grožio produktus - taip, kaip visada. Taip, šis gyvenimo periodas nėra man pats lengviausias, nes iš aktyvios, visada kažką darančios, lekiančios, bendraujančios turėjau tapti ta, kuri sėdi namuose non-stop (o dabar dar ir ligoninėj, vienas smagumėlis). Tai mane lėtai žudo, neslepiu, bet aš nenustoju tikėti, šypsotis, bet jau mintimis judėti pirmyn. Gyvenimas yra spalvotas, ir turime priimti visus jo atspalvius.
EN. After a long break (a few days without blogging is too much) I have returned home from a hospital for one night and I`m in a hurry to share with you my opinion about some beauty products as usual. Yep, this period of my life seems to be not the most pleasant, because from beng very active I had to become the one who spends all her time at home (or in the hospital for now). That`s killing me softly, like in that song, but I keep going, keep hoping, keep smiling. Life is colourful, and we should take all it`s shades.
Keune Paris So Pure Natural Balance moisturizing conditioner for dry hair has been my first professional hair conditioner and one of the best smelling hair care products. I bought it in a set with a hair shampoo and both of them had a strong super duper sweet probably Bergamia scent (I`m not the best at telling smells). The shampoo went out in one wink, while the conditioner took precious space among my other beauty product for a few year. Does NOTHING to my hair. Not worth the money.
Buy: in most of hair salons
Price: ~40 EU for a set
Nail polish remover Vipera is not an ordinary remover, because it has got an applicator where you have to put a cotton pad on and push push. I took me some time to learn how to take an appropriate amount of the remover (I had started to think that my hair had to be fair, joke), but now I appreciate that my nail polish removing, which I hate, has become more interesting.
Buy: Eurokos
Price: ~3 EU
NYC Expert Last nail polish in 253 Mint Macaroon was bought in Italy many years ago, cause I thought that mint was a perfect summer color. The summer passed, the second, the third, and I had to admit that mint is for sure not my color. The description promises up to 7 days long lasting color and up to 50 % stronger nails. Well, the color lasts for 3-4 days. Stronger nails? It`s up to you to believe, but I doubt. Speaking the brand itself, we don`t have NYC here in Lithuania, but I think it would be popular, because of falling in the same price category as Essence and Catrice.
Bought: Italy
Price: ~2 EU
Natural soap for men 3 in 1, for body and hair, even shaving has also been one of those products, which is kept for years and year. First, it`s has got the worst packaging for a soap. Second, it contains SLS. It smells like a real man, but doesn`t foam enough for shaving. I`m washing my bath with it before taking a shower.
Buy: a gift
Price: don`t know
Read about Plante System micellar water here.