Mano veido odos priežiūros rutina|My Face Skin Care Routine
Šį kartą labai daug prirašiau, bet tikiuosi neužpyksite, kad nėra lietuviškos rašliavos:) Ačiū už supratingumą. Na o dabar skaitykite angliškai.

I`ve got quite a beautiful glowy face skin, one face zone, which has been my shame zone since my teenage years. My chin. It`s so hurtful to speak about it, but I`m sure that those with similar problems will understand.
My constant struggle with akne included going to dermatologists, who wrote different prescriptions for expensive face creams, but they never helped. They used to say that with years my akne would disappear, probably after my pregnancy.
Now my daughter is 10 months old, and I can admit that the situation was better during her first 6 months, but now everything is the same as in my teenage years. The products I choose can cure pimples in one night, but at the end of day the new one appear, and it`s a vicious circle. My father tells me to wear less make-up but I have even noticed, that when I wear it every day I have less pimples.
Finally, I asked my family doctor what is going on and how I can help myself. He said, that hormones are always in the play, especially now, when I`m still breeding. And nothing can be done. Nothing. Stress, continuous sleepless nights, bad eating, staying indoors, staying in front of computer and etc. add more to the problem.
After a long talk, I want to introduce you the products, which help me to cure the pimples, as I have mentioned, in one night, but if you have a problem like me with a storm of hormones, better consult your doctor.

No 1
Sudocrem antiseptic healing cream is a multi-purpose cream, which I discovered thanks to my daughter. It is used to cure irritated baby skin, and for many other purposes, such as rash, bed sores, eczema, sunburns, wounds, and, finally, acne. OMG, how many times it helped me to cure my chin in one night. It`s amazing. For all family members.
Buy: in your farmacy
Price: ~6 EU for 125 g
No 2
Plante System AKNORM Cleansing&Purifying Micellar Water is quite expensive if we compare it to other micellar waters. I`ve checked the ingredients of Bioderma and they didn`t seem to be very good, so I went for this one. It stands in a farmacy where other ecological/natural cosmetics products are placed. I have decided to use this water instead of normal water, because I`ve heard that some dermotologists say that water can cause akne. My skin really seems to be more matte and purified. It seems that it doesn`t let the pimples appear, except, of course, the chin zone. I love love this micellar water.
Buy: in your farmacy
Price: ~19 EU
No 3
Muilo namai face soap with silk washes my make-up. I don`t use it for mascara removal, because it is still a bar of soap, so can irritate your eyes. For taking off my mascara, I use the coconut oil on a warm cotton pad, then I rinse my face with this soap, when clean with micellar water and, finally, appy all the creams I want. Coming back to this soap, it doesn`t dry my skin, because it is made of natural ingredients. „Tussah“ silk gives a creamy foam. What is more, the soap contains Shea butter and camomile extract. It doesn`t cause allergies. It has got a beautiful packaging and soap form.
Buy: Muilo namai
Price: 2.90 EU
No`s 4, 5 and 6
Pienės Pūkas face toner, lip balm and undereye cream are very gentle for my sensitive skin. Again, natural ingredients. I like that these products are scentless, so I can use them altogether with any face creams I want. I use my face toner with aloe vera and roses to calm my skin and hydrate. I spend a lot of time indoors, so I spray it 2 times a day to protect my skin from the loss of hydration. Lip balm with raspberry seeds doesn`t let my lips to dry, too. Undereye cream with Q10 and geranium protects me from laugh wrincles.
Buy: Pienės Pūkas
Price: lip balm 3,48 EU, face toner 6,26 EU, undereye cream 6,31 EU
No 7
Ambroozija face cream with Rose Damascena flower water and phyto hyaluronic acid is a bomb of hydration to my face. Ambroozija face creams have never let me down, since I no longer have face dryness on my nose and forehead, which I used to have. I love the luxurious smells like this, white creamy teaxture. It sinks into my skin in one min.
Buy: Ambroozija
Price: 27,5 EU