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Rankas aukštyn, gražuolės|Hands Up, Beauties

Pakeliam rankas aukštyn, jeigu skiriame per mažai laiko jų priežiūrai. Na aš irgi turiu kilstelti manąją, bet jau taisausi. Ten ar šian, mano rankos vis įkištos į vandenį: indų krūva niekada nesibaigia turint mažylę, maistas iš rankyčių jai nuolat krenta ant žemės, tad reikia kasdien valyti. Jau geriau nekalbėti apie maisto gaminimą. Visi namų darbai verčia sąveikauti su vandeniu.

Taigi, išsirinkau keletą įdomių rankų priežiūros produktų, kurie yra mano dabartiniai mėgstamiausi, padedantys išlaikyti rankas švelnias, padrėkintas ir, pageidautina, pamaitintas.


Hands up if you spend too little time on their care. Well, I also have to raise my hand, but I`m on my way to a better care. Here and there I have my hands soaking in water: a pile of dishes never ends with a baby, the food dropping on the floor requires an everyday washing, not speaking about cooking. All daily choires make me meet with water.

So I`ve picked up some interesting hand care products, which are my current favs in helping me to keep my hands soft, hydrated, and, preferably, moisturized.

Girl Power

Pick 1

Ziaja Hand Cream with ceramides lipid concentrate is extremely good help for dry and rough hands. I love that it is absorbs very quickly, and its sweet smell, which is the most appealing from those Ziaja hand cream I tried, makes me feel like in Hawaii. I have also mentioned some time ago that I realy like this-kinda packaging more.

Buy: Prisma, Maxima, Eurokos

Price: ~3 EU


Pick 2

My manicure can`t be done without BNC Kosmetika salt with cranberry leaves. Made for manicure and pedicure, it is supposed to prepare your nails for these beauty procedures, which I`m better to skip. Salt baths for my hands protect my nails from breaking, and I have already noticed the difference after a month. It smells like a simple oil, and it is really a mixture of salt, vegetable oil and dried leaves. Plus lanolin and vitamin F. One tea spoon for a bowl.

Buy: Eurokos

Price: ~3 EU


Pick 3

When I want something natural and Lithuanian, I take Ambroozija hand cream Indraja with Monoi de Tahiti. Eco-cert certified ingredients, strong flower scent and extreme moisture are what you need in those situations when "hell, nothing helps".

Buy: Ambroozija

Price: 8,5 EU



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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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