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Mano rytai/My Mornings

Mano rytai. Tai žaviausias dienos metas. Kai būnu namuose, dažniausiai įrašus darau rytais, nes tada jaučiuosi produktyviausia. Taip pat galiu palyginti rytus su naujais metais, kai turiu daug vilčių ir planų. Gera pradžia ryte turi galios visai dienai. Teigiamos ar neigiamos, priklauso nuo Tavęs. Supratau tai labai anksti.

Mano rytai dabar yra labai panašūs. Visada esu pažadinama dukros verksmo. Jai dygsta dantys, tad dažniausiai po bemiegės nakties man labai sunku atsikelti. Skubam ruošti jai valgio. Dažniausiai tai avižų košė, mano visų šeimos narių mėgstamiausia. Ji suteikia energijos ilgam, tad nereikia jaudintis dėl ankstyvų pietų. Nemėgstu gaminti trijų patiekalų per dieną - paprasčiausiai neturiu tam laiko, tad dažniausia ta pati košė būna ir pietums. Turiu rinktis, "blogas" ar kas kita. Renkuosi bloginimą. Kartu su koše dažniausiai geriu kavos, nors sau jau pažadėjau sumažinti jos kiekį. Taip pat esu arbatos mylėtoja. Tokie mano rytai. Ar turėčiau paminėti, kad man jie labai patinka? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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What do you think about the Lithuanian way of preparing coffee?:) What is the Lithuanian way? It`s pouring hot water straight on the coffee in a cup. I usually use a mocca maker, so this is an exception.

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Being a beauty blogger means getting some lovely presents from the partners. This cute coffee cup is also one of the presents. So adorable.

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In the morning I like going through new beauty products. In my hand this morning you can see Muilo namai face soap with silk.

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Love my nails this morning-a play with colors.

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Drinking water from a funny glass mug is what makes my morning.

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My mornings. It`s the most fashinating part of the day. When at home, I usually write my posts in the morning, because I`m the most productive then. I also can compare the morning with a new year, when you have a lot of hopes and plans. Good start in the morning has power to the whole day. Positive or negative, depends on you. I understood that very early.

My mornings now are very similar. I am always waken up by my daughter`s cry. Her teeth are growing, so usually I find it difficult to woke up. We hurry to prepare her a meal . Usually it`s an oat meal, which is the favorite of my all family members. It`s gives us energy for a long time, so we don`t have to worry about an early dinner. I don`t like cooking three meals a day-I just don`t have time for this, so it happens that the same meals is eaten for dinner, too. Guys, I have to choose-blogging or something else. I choose blogging. Together with my porridge I usually take a cup of coffee, but I have already promised myself to reduce the amount of it. I`m also a lover of tea. These are my morning. Should I mention that I love them? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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