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Šventinis makiažas|Festive Make-up

make-up and look

LT. Šiandien Tau noriu parodyti iš anksto suplanuotą Kalėdų makiažą. Nesiruošiu išprotėti dėl šventinio makiažo, nes būsiu su šeima ir giminaičiais, su draugais keisimės dovanomis, kaip visada. Jie myli mane tokią, kokia esu, tad nereikia apsimetinėti gražesnia negu esu. Renkuosi geriausius mano metų produktus, paskutinius atradimus. Paišdykausiu su mėlynu Make-Up Atelier Paris sausu akių apvadu, dėl linksmumo. Bobbi Brown Long-Wear makiažo pagrindas, spalva Sand leis man jaustis laisvai ir nerūpestingai, Essence Hello Autumn daugiaspalvė pudra, 01 Autumn&The City tarnaus kaip daugiafunkcinis produktas, kad nereikėtų rūpintis dėl vieno kito produkto. Tai mano naujas pirkinys, ir man jis labai patinka! Puikus produktas už juokingą kainą. Kalbant apie tušą, aš jo nemėgstu, tačiau šiais metais taip ir neradau geriausio. Esu tikra, man patiks Bobbi Brown Smokey Eye akių tušas, tačiau jo dar nenusipirkau. Prisipažinsiu, dar neišsprendžiau savo odos problemų, tačiau pažadėjau sau išspręsti jais kitais metais.

Esu tikra, kad dar parodysiu daugiau makiažo pavyzdžių greitai, tačiau tai yra tai, ką paruošiau Jums šiandien. Mėgaukitės ir naudokite savo vazduotę. Žaiskite su produktais ir spalvomis. Tai yra metas atsipalaiduoti ir mėgautis savimi.


EN. Today I want to show you my pre-planned Christmas make-up. I`m not going to go mad about my festive make-up because I will be with my family and relatives, will meet some friends to exchange our gifts, as usual. They love me as I am, so I don`t have to pretend more beautiful. I will choose some best products of the year, my latests discoveries. I will play a bit with a blue Make-Up Atelier Paris Cake Eyeliner, just for fun. Bobbi Brown Long-Wear foundation in Sand will let me feel carefree, Essence Hello Autumn multi colour powder, 01 Autumn&The City will be my multi-task product-both for eyes and cheeks in order not to bother a lot about one product or another. It`s my recent purchase, and I love it! Such a great product for a ridiculous price. Speaking about the mascara, I don`t like it, but didn`t manage to find the best one this year. I`m sure I will like Bobbi Brown Smokey Eye mascara, but I haven`t bought it yet. I also have to admit that I do still suffer from my skin problems, but I have promises to solve it next year.

I`m sure I will show you more make-up examples very soon, but for today this is what I`ve prepared for you. Enjoy and use your imagination. Play with colours and products, because it`s finally time to relax and enjoy yourself.

Festive make-up
Christmas make-up
beauty blogger
my festive make-up 2014

Dzintars lipstick in T3 Be trendy.

my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014

For my hair I use this Marmozel balm. So great! By the way, to rinse my hair I used VIVI Grape Fruit shower gel. What a shame, I forgot to take my shampoo to the pool, but with this shower gel it went quite well:)

my festive make-up 2014

Make-Up Atelier Paris Cake Eyeliner. Contact me for MUAP.

make-up atelier paris reviews

Heatless curls. I had a bun for a night and here you see what I`ve got. I used Marmozel Hair Leave-In Balm for hair to make my curls shinny and healthy-looking.

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festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive look 2014
christmas festive make-up 2014
christmas look and make-up
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up look 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014
my festive make-up 2014


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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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