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TRESemmé Silk Shine Straightener plaukų tiesinimo priemonė

Keista aš kartais - turiu super priemonę, kuri tiesina plaukus, o jos dažnai nenaudoju. Mano plaukai - tikras siaubas, nes ilgi, ploni, linkę šiauštis, garbanoti, o dabar dar ir pridygusi pilna galva mažų plaukučių. Mano plaukai baisiai slinko, dabar augimo periodas, tad sunku juos suvaldyti.

Ši apžvalga apie TRESemmé Silk Shine Straightener bus trumpa, nes neatsimenu, nei kaip jis pas mane atsirado, nei kiek kainuoja, tik pasakysiu, kad tai mano išsigelbėjimas šiuo metu: plaukus ištepu dar drėgnus, ką tik išplautus, išdžiovinu plaukų fenu, ir štai rezultatas - blizgantys, slidūs, tiesūs plaukai be jokio pasišiaušimo. Išbandykit, jei rasit pirkti.


Sometimes I can be strange. I have a super product which straightents my hair, but I don`t use it. My hair is a real freak, because it is long, thin, tends to frizz, get wavy. It`s not enough, now there are a lot of baby hair around the head. I was loosing my hair for a while, and now is the growing period, so it`s very difficult to control it.

This review about TRESemme Silk Shine Straightener will be short: I don`t remember how the product appeared and , tik pasakysiu, kad, but I will say you only one thing: it`s a real help now. I apply the product on my freshly washed hair, dry with my hair dryer and get the result: shiny and straight hair. Try if you find where to buy it.

stersemme plauku tiesinimo priemones
shiny and straight hair secret the best hair products
shiny and straight hair secret the best hair products
shiny and straight hair secret the best hair products


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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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