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Odos priežiūra atšąlus/Cold Weather Skin Care

kai pradeda šalti, turime pakeisti ne tik drabužius, bet ir grožio priemones. Ypatingai kalbu apie kūno priežiūrą. Kai tik įjungiamas šildymas, oda pradeda džiūti. Mūsų oda gali tapti raudona, pradėti niežėti ir pleiskanoti. Kad taip neatsitiktų...


When it starts getting colder, we have to change not only our clothes, but also our beauty products. Especially I`m speaking about body care products. As soon as you turn the heat on indoors, the skin starts to dry out. Our skin can easily become red, starts itching and scale. In order to avoid that...

  1. Find an moisturizer that's oil-based, rather than water-based, as the oil will create a protective layer on the skin.

  2. Look for "nonclogging" oils, like avocado oil, mineral oil, primrose oil, or almond oil. Shea oil can clog facial pores.

  3. Use sunscreen.

  4. Use body cream and hand/feet cream after every wash.

  5. Avoid wet gloves and superhot bath.

  6. Drink a lot of water. 8 glassed is the lower number.

  7. Use a peeling cream once in 5 days.

odos priežiūra žiemą winter skin care


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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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