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Kelyje: kūno priežiūra/On Road: Body Care

Jau labai greitai daug keliausiu po Lietuvą, todėl atsirinkau mano mėgstamiausius produktus kūnui. Čia matote daugiausia kūno priemones, kurias gavau neseniai ir iškart įsimylėjau. Jie yra aukštos kokybės ir juos aš naudoju kiekvieną dieną. Juo imčiau bet kur!


Soon I will go on many trips in Lithuania so I have already decided which body care products to take: of course, my favourite. Here you mainly see products which I have recently got and suddenly fell in love with. They are high quality products which I use every day and would take with me anywhere!

  1. Forever Aloe Ever Shield Deodorant

  2. Ambroozija Make-up Cleaning Oil Mėnulė

  3. Ambroozija Children Cream Rytys

  4. Ambroozija Face Hydrating Cream Jorilė

  5. Marmozel Face Moisturizing Cream

  6. Marmozel Hair Balsam which I use for natural curls

  7. Marmozel Floral Toner

  8. Shower Gel, Shampoo&Intimate Wash from a hotel

  9. Loreal Excellence Creme for dyed hair which goes together with a box of dye

  10. Numis Med Eye Cream

  11. Cotton pads and sticks

  12. Loreal nail polishes

  13. Valentino Valentina parfume, 50 ml

  14. Barbara Hofmann Brush Beauty Cleaner





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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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