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Makiažas pasimatymui|Date Make-Up

LT. Mielai pasimatymui rinkčiausi raudonas lūpas, tačiau... Dar nė vienas pasimatymas tikriausiai neapsiėjo be bučinių, o mano vyrui, kaip manau ir daugeliui, nepatinka bučiuoti lūpdažį! Žinoma, galima rinktis IKOS nenubučiuojamą lūpdažį, tačiau šį kartą taip...

EN. I would lovely choose red lips for a date, but ... No date could probably do without kisses, and my husband, as the majority of men, does not like to kiss a lipstick! Of course, you can choose IKOS lipstick which stays all day, but this time...

Make-up Product List

Face: Make Up For Ever Face and Body, No. 32 (150 LT/43,44 EU)

Blemishes: Artdeco Camouflage Cream (25,95 EU/7,52 EU) and Perfect Concealer (48,95 LT/14,18 EU)

Skin: Sensai (~200 LT/57,92 EU) and Bobby Brown Illuminating powder (179 LT/51,84 EU)

Eyes: Artdeco Eyeshadow base (30,95 LT/8,96 EU), High Precision Liquid Liner (62,90 LT/ 18,22 EU) and Majestic Eye Designer Eyeshadow (30,95 LT/ 8,96 EU)

Eyebrows: Inglot eyebrow shadow (15 LT/4,34 EU), dark brown

Lips: MaXfactor lip balm Lip Finity (~50/14,48 EU)

Nails: Markwins Int. and Essence

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Karolina Mikaliūnė

©Karolina Mikaliūnė 

beauty blogger&make-up artist

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